Sparky's Adventure follows Sparky the Robot on his quest to power the New Year's Eve Ball Drop. To win, Sparky will need to reach the end of each level as efficiently as possible to conserve energy, which is displayed at the top.

Also, try in vain to follow the lore of the story. I'm not quite finished with the game yet, as there will probably be more levels, hidden dialogue, some quality of life changes, and further updates to textures.

--- controls ---

[WASD] or [Arrow Keys] to Move

[Spacebar] while facing a robot to hijack it

[Spacebar] to leave a robot

The mouse can be used to click the restart buttons.

The orange restart buttons are a true restart, only use these if you want to fully restart the game.

The white restart buttons only restart the level, and preserve the initial energy upon entering.

-Shoutout to Madmelon999 for doing basically all of the coding

-Shoutout to my friend Eden for the music (she isn't on

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